A post every three days about me a 21 year old politics student, dealing with testicular cancer two months before I plan to graduate.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
My final thoughts
So in my final post, before I get on to some of my final
points about what this experience has meant to me, I want to talk about how
things have gone in my final week of chemotherapy, especially as my hair has
started to come out. It is quite
difficult to recognise your self in the mirror when you don’t recognise the new
person that you have become. Guess it will just take some getting used.
On Tuesday me and mum headed for what is likely and
hopefully my last trip to a hospital for the next three months. Thank fully the
cancer centre was not that busy was I was able to give a blood sample pretty
quickly, and then I got my blood results.
It’s quite weird to have no white blood cells and yet
actually feel physically fitter than you did the week before, but that’s one of
the many strange things about chemo.
One of the things which has been a bit of a frustration as
this process has gone on, is getting the
information that I need but normally about a week or two later than I wanted.
This appointment was no difference. Up until this point any conversation about
my hair had very much been answered ambiguously.
However frustratingly everyone seemed to be singer of the
same sing sheet today. Now why I was not told this two weeks ago I don’t
understand, but the approach of everyone I have dealt with seems to think it’s
best just to drop the reality on me, just as I am about to be hit with it. For
example being told that day that I was
expected to attend a follow up in two weeks, there had been no mention of this
ahead of time.
But thankfully, there was still some ambiguity just to stop
me from thinking I was actually getting talked to by people who has experiences
with similar case to mine. Now that I had, had my last injection of chemo
drugs, mine and my mum’s only quite simple question was when will I be fully recovered.
As I am going, to Belfast we both want to know when will we be able get
rid of
the chemo cards. The response from two different health professionals
was you guessed ambiguous. Any were between a week to two weeks from that
Tuesday. So yes my thermometer and my
temperature charts will be coming with me to Belfast.
Also I know have follow up appointments for the next five
years .That's my next 5 years planned out. Now I feel like that's
just the universe saying well you do like to plan long term.
Now to conclude as I come to the end of my treatment a
couple of points I want to close on.
Firstly I am very aware of how fortunate I am, despite what is written above, this blog would be going on a lot longer if I wasn’t so lucky with what kind of cancer I was diagnosed with and how my body has reached to the treatment.
Firstly I am very aware of how fortunate I am, despite what is written above, this blog would be going on a lot longer if I wasn’t so lucky with what kind of cancer I was diagnosed with and how my body has reached to the treatment.
Secondly I hope my story can help, but I am also very aware
and I hope you are to, my story only scratches the surface of a great many
stories of people of my age who's life really stops.
I have had to take a break from life and yes the next 5 years will be a constant what if, what if,
But many people have to suffer a lot longer to get the same result and that is a cruel injustice.
Hopefully in the future, those cases will decrease and hopefully I maybe in a small way can contribute to that.
I have had to take a break from life and yes the next 5 years will be a constant what if, what if,
But many people have to suffer a lot longer to get the same result and that is a cruel injustice.
Hopefully in the future, those cases will decrease and hopefully I maybe in a small way can contribute to that.
Thirdly massive thank you to friends and extended family who
have either supported me or any of my family/ gf at this time. I want to
thank my parents and brother for getting there 21 year old student back on a full
time basis. Just when they were looking forward to getting a last break before
I move back in to start at Birmingham.
Thank you to my gf, who despite third year nearly killing us
both off any way has been as much of a constant as she could be for me. It’s
rare in a relationship that both partners have near death experience in the
space of year. Its strange last year I was getting set to head of for camp and
3 months apart.
To then head on to Poland while she headed off to the Netherlands.Distance for those of you who have chosen to do it, is never
easy at the best of times and these past 6-8months have not been. No one
likes a bored boyfriend stuck at home trying to live vicariously through his
girlfriend in a different country. But we are still standing and exciting for what
our future will bring. Hopefully with less health scares.
Finally I think i want to conclude with one final statement. A common word associated with cancer is the concept of a battle. And if you survive you have beat it, if you die you have lost.
I have not beaten this. I was never in this fight.
Your body just becomes a vessel containing one side of the contest whilst the medical team tries to hopefully pock and prod your body in ways so they can control and minimise the diease. Let’s say they are successful you haven’t won anything. What you have gained is more time.
This disease has taken the next 5 years of my life, where I have to constantly plan my life around appointments. I have my life now but I don’t know this will be the case for ever because who really does know what tomorrow might bring. The treatment has reduced, not removed the possibility that this disease could come back. That is now my life time to get used to it.
Thank you and I hope to never write one of these again for obvious reasons I hope.
Monday, 6 June 2016
Just when you think your out they pull you back in
So Friday overall was a pretty good day. I thought it was about time to do the chemo
thing of going cinema mid day. I had picked a film and it was showing at
11am, excited to be getting out the house for a couple of hours. However as we
where meant it leave, my dad who googled the showing found out it was a parent
and child showing. So that was not
happening. But my dad was still heading out to go and buy some tickets so still
an excuse to get out the house. However
my dad also miss read something and they were not selling tickets that day. Not
the most successful trip for both of us.
At the weekend Lesley pop rounds for a catch up with my
mum on Saturday. Our next door neighbours had a party for one of there
young children. Being nice neighbours they invited us for the barbecue,
my brothers decided to disappear and go climbing. Now I didn't want to risk it
what with lots of young children being around and decided not to go.
My dad however seemed to forget that and had
said I would pop round. Also spent the
day working on applications, cover letters etc. Whilst I am happy with my plan for next year of going to
Birmingham for my MA, at some point I am
going to need these to be successful. I want to make sure I am confident with the
process independent of whether o am successful or not.
Saturday and
Sunday morning I went for 5k walks, because I need to and want to test in a controlled way what my body can, but not
being stupid. Sleeping with these drugs, has been none existent up pretty
much everyday this week I have woke up at
4/5am independent of what time I got to bed. Saturday evening was spent
watching full metal alchemist on Netflix with Alicia. Whilst I am not a huge
fan of anime I wouldn’t say I don’t mind it.
The most difficult thing about my recovery, has been the
length of it. Thankfully as I am now
into my final week I can try and plan life back in Belfast. I am looking
forward to getting involved in Oxfam NI and getting back to works for Queens recruitment.
My general health so
far has been pretty good, I am starting to question Is the treatment
actually working. Because I at least associated chemo with my body being
destroyed. Then on Sunday evening my
body answered my question. I was sitting
reading a book then ran my hand through my hair and took a lot out. So my hair is thinning, but at this point as
it is so early.
Have woke up this morning and have not found all my hair on my
pillow, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have that moment at some point this week.
Its also strangely tempting to run my
hands through my hair just to double check it is still happening.
To conclude just so you don’t feel to sympathetic to my
struggle I have tried to use this new development to my advantage. So one of
things I did when I was back in Belfast for what I thought might be my final time
was cancel my gym membership. Now of course I am going to be back in Belfast
for a month and so I need to get that membership back to try and get into some
kind of shape. But as I have cancelled
my membership, I would have to pay a 15 pound admin fee to get a new
membership. Now have I sent email about cancer to see if I
can get round this fee maybe,
Does that make me a bad person you tell me.
Does that make me a bad person you tell me.
Finally massive Congrats Hannah you did it when it counted.
Everyone else who finished Friday congratulation and looking forward to
celebrating with you people when I am back. Thank you Haris for lunch yesterday really enjoyed catching up.
Also just want to remind you about Leslies campaign, raising money for Orchid male cancer charity.
Also just want to remind you about Leslies campaign, raising money for Orchid male cancer charity.
Thank you if you have donated so far and if you haven’t yet,
please do anything one pound would be
amazing https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Lesley-Byrne-1773.
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Beginning to see the light
So as I write this, I can actually start to look to the end of what has nearly been a 3
month process and it feels fantastic. Chemothreapy cycle take 21 days, I am day
One of the constants since getting out of chemo, has been
able to do a lot of stuff with my
parents, and having my family there to keep me grounded. This is especially at
a time when my schedule outside of that has been pretty lax. For example me and
my mum have been able to go for walks around the local area, we went to
mcdonalds which was a first for my mum in about 25 years.
So when I talk of my family and Alicia keeping me grounded, during what
I am sure you can appreciate is a difficult time for me what exactly do I mean. One of the daily routines round the dinner
table, is just checking how your hair is going.
I think the fact my health as such not deteriorating help keeps us
laughing. However one of the frustrating part of being around your family so
long, is that its difficult for your family to not think of you as permanently ill. When trying to
organise things that takes place in a month and your mum is just warning you to
be cautious that can be annoying.
Now from a more humours aspect there have been a few incidences. If I asked you to guess, what was the moment when you felt your childhood die, I suspect you might think it was when I was told I had cancer. Or another life changing situation. No for me it was when my mum made clear, that my family expected me to contribute on a weekly basis to the food budget, once I move back in in September start my masters etc. Now I am not going to pretend I am not expensive.
Just to mention my dad and brother have also contributed to many jokes about my hairs, how almost annoying it was I didn’t seem to be iller as they has expected worse. One of the most difficult things for me, has been the fact I have not been able to exercise for a very long time, so I am not in the best shape. Mention this difficult thing I am going through to my family and my girlfriend, comments about my weight are what follows.
Family right.
One of the most moving things that I have had the
opportunity to watch this week was a documentary on the BBC about cancer I
think called the Big C and me. It
followed the story of three different people, as they went through there very
different treatment process.
Watching it with my mum, I think was quite useful
because unsurprisingly I was able to relate to what they where going through.
It was a lot easier to try and explain to my mum, about the things like the
conversations you have with yourself get a lot more morbid when you have a
headache especially.
However one of the
most emotional moments of the piece, was following the family of the women who
died, after her body was not able to defend its self from a bone marrow
transplant. Her treatment had taken a very long period, and you could see in
her face the toll it had taken but also how much she was looking forward to it
being over.
Now I am very aware
of that my reality and my perceptions are two very different. However the concept
of mortality is something I had to accept because that’s what cancer in my head
was associated with. But the other thing
which really affected me about her story, was the fact I have been able to meet
many people who like her believed their treatment was coming to an end. People who have known nothing but a hospital for
10 months, and to see her die really hit me.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
So since coming out of hospital, and getting a little bit
more adjusted to normal life, the days this might surprise you hasn’t exactly
follow by. As a result this is not going to be a very long piece, as to put it
simply haven’t really got to talk about.
Currently, just making it through every day remembering to
take my drugs, checking my temperature trying to make the hours pass by until I
get back into my bed at the end of the night is an achievement.
I also want to explain and give some idea of what exactly
the physical feeling that comes with chemotherapy. Thankfully as time goes
by, the feeling that I was previously
used to of still having the drugs pumping around my vains has gone.
It has just been replaced, and apparently will get worse, is
just tiredness, aches, pains and just
accepting that basic movement eating etc just takes a lot longer. A mouthful
taking between 20 to 30 seconds can be depressing, but am just trying to focus
on the short term nature of it more than the frustration of my inability.
That being said, one of the weirdest things that I have tried to fill my time, is that now that now I am a "survivor". Exactly what charity should I be doing marathons/ runs for. Never thought I would be writing that in a blog but hey unquie life experiences right.
One of the most difficult things that I have had to deal
with, but also get used to is as my video I hope got across a complete lack of
interest or motivation in anything. It’s quite difficult when I have things to do, but the concentration required is
something I just don’t have at the moment. Being a dyslexic, it can be hard
enough to look at an essay plan you wrote weeks ago and try make sure things
make sense in your head. So having what has been termed “chemo” brain, is kind
of just rubbing it in.
Thankfully though as this piece evidence, I have good
moments and it is important to try and take advantage of those moments to try
and get on step closer to completing my degree etc. Whilst I am sure no one would judge me etc,
for just taking time off during this period doesn’t really work for me.
The bank holiday weekend, pretty much came and went for
Finton came home Friday from uni and
it was strange trying to answer the simple question everyone friends, close
family friends who I am meeting at the moment, “how was chemo?”. Was great to catch up with him and talk about how things have been with him, as I and unfortunately my parents have been rapped up with me in the last couple of weeks.
Unfortunately as I said previously I probably
will never be able to explain it to others, but I have to make sure that I take
whatever insight I feel like I have gained going forward.
Originally when I planned and agreed to this chemo, was that
I wanted to do this in Belfast mainly to counter act with the boredom that I am
now facing by being in Belfast what with having some kind of a life there.
Something I don’t really have in Birmingham as for the last two a bit years
this has not been home.
Unsurprisingly, looking back now and with how I know I am
going to be feeling in the next couple of days. Putting the responsibility for
my health etc on my girlfriend would have probably been a disaster, if something had or goes wrong. Mainly
because I could get a temperature, have a random reaction at any point which
could be life threatening.
That being said, I think me and my mum will both agree
whilst the time we are spending together is lovely that we are looking forward
to getting sometime apart, where I don’t need to be watched.
Quick thank you for the Dosters for coming round and joe for continuing to be someone who has made themselves available to me. Can't repay you enough man Also massive thank you to Leslie for all of her work raising money for Orchid.
Also to all of my Queens friends who have finished, and will be sitting what would have been my last ever exam today, well done and hope to see many of you when I am back in town.
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