Monday, 6 June 2016

Just when you think your out they pull you back in

So Friday overall was a pretty good day.  I thought it was about time to do the chemo thing of going cinema mid day. I had picked a film and it was showing at 11am, excited to be getting out the house for a couple of hours. However as we where meant it leave, my dad who googled the showing found out it was a parent and child showing.  So that was not happening. But my dad was still heading out to go and buy some tickets so still an excuse to get out the house.  However my dad also miss read something and they were not selling tickets that day. Not the most successful trip for both of us.

At the weekend Lesley pop rounds for a catch up with my mum on Saturday. Our next door neighbours had a party for one of there young children.   Being nice neighbours they invited us for the barbecue, my brothers decided to disappear and go climbing. Now I didn't want to risk it what with lots of young children being around and  decided not to go. 

 My dad however seemed to forget that and had said I would pop round.  Also spent the day working on applications, cover letters etc. Whilst I am happy with my plan for next year of going to Birmingham for my MA,  at some point I am going to need these to be successful.   I want to make sure I am confident with the process independent of whether o am successful or not.   

Saturday and Sunday morning I went for 5k walks, because I need to and want to test in a controlled way what my body can, but not being stupid. Sleeping with these drugs, has been none existent up pretty much everyday this week  I have woke up at 4/5am independent of what time I got to bed. Saturday evening was spent watching full metal alchemist on Netflix with Alicia. Whilst I am not a huge fan of anime I wouldn’t say I don’t mind it.  

The most difficult thing about my recovery, has been the length  of it. Thankfully as I am now into my final week I can try and plan life back in Belfast. I am looking forward to getting involved in Oxfam NI and getting back to works for Queens recruitment.  

 My general health so far has been pretty good, I am starting to question Is the treatment actually working. Because I at least associated chemo with my body being destroyed.  Then on Sunday evening my body answered my question.  I was sitting reading a book then ran my hand through my hair and took a lot out.  So my hair is thinning, but at this point as it is so early. 

Have woke up this morning and have not found all my hair on my pillow, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have that moment at some point this week.  Its also strangely tempting to run my hands through my hair just to double check it is still happening.

To conclude just so you don’t feel to sympathetic to my struggle I have tried to use this new development to my advantage. So one of things I did when I was back in Belfast for what I thought might be my final time was cancel my gym membership. Now of course I am going to be back in Belfast for a month and so I need to get that membership back to try and get into some kind of shape.  But as I have cancelled my membership, I would have to pay a 15 pound admin fee to get a new membership.   Now have I sent email about cancer to see if I can get round this fee maybe,
Does that make me a bad person you tell me.

Finally massive Congrats Hannah you did it when it counted. Everyone else who finished Friday congratulation and looking forward to celebrating with you people when I am back. Thank you Haris for lunch yesterday really enjoyed catching up.
 Also just want to remind you about Leslies campaign, raising money for Orchid male cancer charity. 

Thank you if you have donated so far and if you haven’t yet, please do anything one pound would  be amazing

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