So after getting through the family weekend, the day came to
get my gp appointment. Thankfully my GP, which I was not registered to but was
able to get seen as a temporary patient, was great. After having a look the
testicle, he thought it might just be the trauma that I had been hoping for. That was the first of many times I went
natural below the waist.
But again thanks to firstly the fact I live in the UK, but
also because I live in one of the best cities for health care a person could
ask for, he called to get an appointment sorted with a specialist.
So leaving the practise, trying to stay focused on the fact
if a GP thinks it’s just trauma, it probably is. I thankfully only had to wait
a couple of hours, before I got the call to head into the Queens Elisabeth Hospital
to get checked out at ward 302.
I was feeling relatively okay until I actually got to ward
302 only to discover that I was being
seen in the surgical assignments unit, and It was a secure unit. There is
nothing like actually seeing the word surgery, to put the fear of god into you.
So I entered the ward at around 12 oclock with a lot of podcasts, a power pack
and praising a higher power for the free wifi, but cursing myself for the fact I
forgot to grab lunch as I was not able to eat or drink until I left.
So after getting seen for blood and saliva tests by the
nurse and having a cool wrist band the waiting game began. After about an hour
maybe I was seen by lovely doctor who after again checking out my testicle
seemed to agree with the trauma injury idea I was hoping for. One of the
weirdest experiences of that whole day was the fact I was getting so used to go
naked from the waist down, I was starting to get a good technique going.
After about another 2
hour I got sent down to have an ultra sound. And you guessed it going naked
from the waist down. So whilst having cold jelly rubbed around my testicle with
some pieces of equipment for lack of a better word, the ultra sound person
again seemed to support my idea of trauma.
So you can probably tell by this point, that I was feeling
pretty positive I had been seem by people and they seemed to be following a
similar line. But most importantly no one had mentioned the C word. I unfortunately made the mistake of calling
and texting my parents and my girlfriend with the positive vibes I seemed to be
getting. Then it came. This time I went in with this time the senior urologist,
as well as two doctors and a nurse. After you guessed it getting my bits out
again, the news came. So I was having surgery on Friday I was getting seen by
the specialist who would do the surgery tomorrow.
So next I will talk about actually dealing with and
accepting the C word, as well as getting ready to lose a part of me. My right
The service at the QE sounds as slick as your trouser removal :)